Sunday, February 17, 2008


What started off with a focus on the Africa cup of Nations & what it represented to Kwame Nkrumah's call for a United Africa and the Black Stars, playing host to the games at a time of Ghana's golden jubilee period, turned into a life changing emotional roller coaster of planting seeds to prepare for the bloom of change! Whatever that may mean or entail , I'm excited about it and ready, willing & able to take it , see it thru & follow it where ever it may go! I definitely get now, the power of wanting , having , and needing change & how even in it's smallest steps or grandiose ways makes a great difference that can only be truly sustained with balance.

I have put up what I could for now - with blogs ,music etc. until we get the actual edited photos, & trailer on line on our global fusions productions website -so stay in the loop.
Check out Mum's & Stanley's blog's & mine at the links below for photos & some video clips.

Check out Mum's & Stanley's blog's & mine at the links below for photos & some video clips.

I am hoping to put together a promo DVD for Winter Music Conference in Miami- so let me know who can assist me in getting that together quickly & whose going & making moves there that we can colloborate with!

I am also encouraging all of you to take a vacation & share your expertise in whatever field you are in & encourage your companies to send product that most of you will most likely end of discarding to make room for the next season's collection or inventory.

There are budding stylists, photographers, actors, film makers, bakers, party planners, lawyers, doctors, graphic artists, violinists , pianists, producers, caterers, entrepreneurs, mothers, fathers etc. who can benefit from sharing your own experiences & knowledge in new growing industries. It is not about poor Africans or any feeling sorry for someone having less , it is about our shared experiences & differences & each one teach one. These kids that get so excited when you teach them how to work a digital camera, that some of our kids in the USA may take for granted, also happen to live amongst make shift unfinished mansions on acres of land with their backyards being the tourist attraction of the water falls, where they just hang out & fish daily, something that is unimaginable to many kids in the US! You can't have a house inside central park , botanical gardens or rainforest, but for them it's steps away & a part of their infrastructure! It is all a matter of perspective. Eventhough they have something that is priceless, economics does not allow them the means to choose whether to spend the little money they are able to make on proper soccer cleats or the cost of a basic education & food, whether or not they maybe the next super star or not! The crazy part is that the Ghana GH (cedi) is higher than the us dollar -last I check 1 gh was 91 cents! Anyone can see that there's clearly something wrong in the balance!

"Give a Man a fish & feed him for one day , teach a man how to fish and feed him for eternity"

However that saying may go, it is a very real & true clique. We need to help these young people preserve where they came from and let it benefit them economically, so they have many choices within their own communities instead of always having to put their hopes outside. Allow them to have progression with some preservation. There's a certain character of a city that Accra possesses, with it's insane driving & traffic, people banter and just straight hustle that is very reminiscent of 125th street in Harlem USA, and I am sure amongst areas of diasporans throughout the world & just cities in general! It has the crazy city vibe that lets you truly enjoy the peace of going up to the mountains sooo much more!

I recognized that my home will be in the mountains because I am past that city madness stage, but it's always a little nice to recharge off of some of that energy when necessary. Just imagine your energy level being at 100% being caused by people who are at about 50% and not being acknowledged by anyone to figure out a solution because to do that they would have to get off of the 10 % level by having some sort of direct & immediate finacial or material incentive that may take them to the 50% level OF PRODUCTIVITY & SPEED. I was on the verge of going ballistic until i stopped to really observe the dynamic. They knew things were crazy, but it was not that serious to them because the focus was on individual plans to go elsewhere for change or to just get thru today a little richer than when they started the day.

Getting to know yourself thru others outside of your comfort zone is PRICELESS.


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